A little more than two years ago marks the Inauguration Ceremony for Salt Lake City’s Mayor Erin Mendenall where she professed her vision for not only a “better” city but a “thriving” city. Volunteers who helped to organize the celebration that evening also coordinated a fundraiser for Mayor Mendenhall’s 1,000 Trees Initiative including art from Utah artists, Karen Horne, Josh Scheureman, Bill Lewis and myself. Josh and Bill created wall murals beautifying our city, while Karen Horne and I had the honor of presenting the Mayor with our tree paintings in acknowledgement of a community coming together in support of our Mayor’s vision.
2022 marks the second year and the next 1,000 trees Mayor Erin Mendenhall is committed to planting on Salt Lake City’s West Side, partnering with the coordinated efforts of Tree Utah and their volunteers, helping make it all possible.